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Our Story

Kristie and Iain's journey into animal rescue began with a deep love for animals and a desire to make a difference. It started over 10 years ago with fostering, a simple act of kindness that soon grew into a heartfelt commitment to animal welfare.


Their home became a sanctuary for over 250 animals in need — from nursing sick kittens back to health, to socializing shy dogs and providing comfort to traumatized animals. Their son, AJ, grew up surrounded by wagging tails and purring companions, learning early on the values of compassion, kindness and empathy.

Their dream is to create a warm and welcoming place where volunteers, donors, adopters, and fellow animal lovers can come together to make a difference. Their journey proves that passion and persistence can change lives in meaningful ways, showing the incredible impact of caring hearts united for a common cause.

Driven by their growing passion, Kristie and Iain dreamed of doing more. They envisioned a place where they could rescue more animals and leave a lasting impact on their community. With unwavering determination, they took the bold step of starting their own animal rescue, H.E.A.R – Happily Ever After Rescue, Inc.

Kristie and Iain family photo

Kristie and Iain


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